Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas are all set to tie the knot on at Umaid Bhawan Palace, in Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Here are all the details of the beautiful Palace. While Deepika Padukone-Ranveer Singh and Anushka Sharma-Virat Kohli chose to carry out their nuptials in a foreign country, desi girl Priyanka Chopra and fiance Nick Jonas
Category: Blog
Blog on Lucknow: Seven months after Congress MLC joined BJP, government orders withdrawal of 2013 case
Dinesh Singh, along with 10 others, had been booked for blocking the Sultanpur-Rae Bareli Highway and throwing traffic out of gear during a violent protest. The trial of the case is pending at a special court in Prayagraj. SEVEN MONTHS after MLC Dinesh Pratap Singh left Congress to join the BJP, the state government has